The 10 Character Commitments

The 10 Character Commitments


We all face storms in our life. We all have a story to tell. This is why people often use their personal trials and tribulations when speaking of who they are and where they come from. We were designed to use our triumphs as strengths and influence other people with these stories. That’s why when you share the mess of your past or the path that leads you to the present, God is glorified and lives are touched. Author, Stacy Snapp- Killian teaches us that people learn to love through themselves, so we don’t have to be perfect to accomplish His plan for our life, we just need to be real.

Stacy created the Ten Character Commitments more than nineteen years agoafter admitting to a counselor she was sexually abused when she was nine years old. Now, she shares The Ten Character Commitments with all of us in this hard back book created as daily encouragement to stay focused on our journey of life. Each commitment was created for you to better equip yourself for the future. The purpose in this book is to find peace in your past and live a productive life becoming the most authentic person you can be.

  • Publisher, The Justus Love Corporation
  • Author, Stacy Snapp-Killian
  • Publication Date, 10/07/16
  • ISBN: 978-0-692-66354-7
  • Hardback 106 pages
  • Language, English
  • Physical Info. 5 X 7”
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